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The Full Story

Online Dating is FUN... 

...and EXCITING ... and RISKY. And finding the right person to share life with is worth the risk. 
Stray Cat Fishers knows how to ask the hard questions and get to the real story without wasting time or hurting someone's feelings. Many years of police and private investigations have developed skills and understanding that most people never really understand. Let us help you put those niggling little questions aside so you can focus on what really matters.

"Is THIS the person for YOU?"



Our goal is to help you avoid the situation we have ALL heard of. CATPHISHING  is so common, and the goal of the Catphish ranges from mischievous to devasting betrayal. For some it is far too easy to take advantage of trust and vulnerability.
We will meet with you in whatever forum works for you. Telephone calls, emails and texting are good . Video calls are better. Face to face is best. We will prove OUR cred to you first, and THEN discuss what will serve you best. 


We will talk directly to you about your specific situation, and decide on the best way to full understanding the person who has caught your eye. Personal records in Canada are very difficult to get access to unless there is a police investigation, and this is not that. We will use other methods to find the answers you seek. 

We will rely on things like OSINT, surveillance, and direct conversation, and work WITH you to come to an understanding that will help you decide if you want to move ahead in your new relationship. This is not an attempt to catch someone in a lie. Its really a way to verify truth and banish doubt.

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